(data structure)
Definition: An assemblage of items that are randomly accessible by integers, the index.
Formal Definition: Ignoring size an array may be seen as an abstract data type with the operations new(), set(i, v, A), and get(i, A), where i is a numeric index, v is a value, and A is an array. The operations may be defined with axiomatic semantics as follows.
If the contents of a new array are set to some implicit initial value vi, we could add the following rule for get.
Typically arrays have a fixed size and use either 0-based indexing or 1-based indexing. Fixed initial size and 0-based indexing may incorporated as follows.
Specialization (... is a kind of me.)
dynamic array, sorted array.
Aggregate child (... is a part of or used in me.)
array index, 1-based indexing, 0-based indexing.
See also associative array, matrix, huge sparse array.
Note: An unordered array must be searched with a linear search. Average search time may be improved using a move-to-front heuristic in some cases. An external index, such as a hash table or inverted index may help make an array search quicker and speed overall processing if the array is not changed often. If the array is kept sorted, a binary search or interpolation search is faster.
Inserting into an array takes O(n) time. If that's too slow, use a balanced tree, skip list, or a linked list. Knuth uses a balanced tree with a RANK field that supports Θ(log n) access by index and Θ(log n) insert and delete. [Knuth98, 3:471, Sect. 6.2.3]
If it takes too long to initialize a big array of size S, a huge sparse array takes time proportional to the number of accesses and only Θ(S) extra space.
Author: PEB
If you have suggestions, corrections, or comments, please get in touch with Paul Black.
Entry modified 16 November 2016.
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Paul E. Black, "array", in
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures [online], Paul E. Black, ed. 16 November 2016. (accessed TODAY)
Available from: https://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/array.html