Fisher-Yates shuffle


Definition: Randomly permute N elements by exchanging each element ei with a random element from i to N. It consumes Θ(N log N) bits and runs in linear time.

Generalization (I am a kind of ...)
ideal random shuffle, permutation.

See also Johnson-Trotter, pseudo-random number generator.

Note: The algorithm can be viewed as a reverse selection sort. It is described in some detail as algorithm 3.4.2P in [Knuth97, 2:145].

For even a rather small number of elements (or cards), the total number of permutations is far larger than the period of most pseudo-random number generators. This implies that most permutations will never be generated. (After documentation for random.shuffle() in Python, particularly v2.6.1.)

Author: PEB


Ben Pfaff's answer to how can I shuffle the contents of an array? (C). Mike Bostock's animations with code (JavaScript). An implementation (Java) due to Sedgewick and Wayne (search for Shuffling).

More information

Fisher-Yates shuffle illustrated with argument for correctness and error of naive shuffle.

R. A. Fisher and F. Yates, Example 12, Statistical Tables, London, 1938.
Richard Durstenfeld, Algorithm 235: Random permutation, CACM 7(7):420, July 1964.

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Entry modified 5 April 2023.
HTML page formatted Wed Oct 30 12:15:30 2024.

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Paul E. Black, "Fisher-Yates shuffle", in Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures [online], Paul E. Black, ed. 5 April 2023. (accessed TODAY) Available from: