Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures

Citation and Credit Notice

Some definitions are copyright CRC Press, such as depoissonization. You must get CRC Press permission for those. All others are public domain.

Many of the definitions, as well as the site itself, were originally developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code these are not subject to copyright protection and are in the public domain.

If you use definitions from the Dictionary, we would appreciate acknowledgment. If this site or the definitions are helpful, we would appreciate a note expressing how valuable it is.

Citing the Dictionary

Here is a print citation.

    Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures, Vadim Okun, ed.,, (ACCESS DATE).
Put the latest date you accessed DADS in parentheses, for instance, 30 October 2018.

Here is an HTML citation.

In <a href="">Dictionary of 
Algorithms and Data Structures</a> hosted by
<a href="">National Institute of
Standards and Technology</a>.

Citing an Entry

Here is a bibtex citation for rooted tree.

  author = {Paul M. Sant},
  title = {"rooted tree"},
  howpublished = {in \emph{Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures} [online], Vadim Okun, ed.},
  month = {17 December}, % ENTRY MODIFIED DATE
  year = {2004},
  note =  {Available from: (accessed 13 March 2019)}, % LAST ACCESS DATE 
The result should be something like this:

Sant, Paul M., rooted tree. In Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures [online], Vadim Okun, ed., 17 December 2004. Available from: (accessed 13 March 2019)

Citation References

These try to follow ISO 690-2 Information and documentation -- Bibliographic references -- Part 2: Electronic documents or parts thereof, upon which "How to Cite Online Documents" is based.

Go to the Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures home page.
Created Thu Jun 2 11:21:13 2005
by Vadim Okun  (
Updated Fri Feb 7 12:42:03 2025 by Paul E. Black

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