full binary tree

(data structure)

Definition: A binary tree in which each node has exactly zero or two children.

Also known as proper binary tree.

Generalization (I am a kind of ...)
binary tree.

Specialization (... is a kind of me.)
coding tree, perfect binary tree.

Aggregate parent (I am a part of or used in ...)
Huffman coding.

See also complete binary tree.

Note: In other words, every node is either a leaf or has two children. For efficiency, any Huffman coding is a full binary tree. A BDD is a full binary tree.

After Mustafa Ege ( Hacettepe University, comp.theory, 17 November 1998. Also [CLR90, page 95], and [Stand98, page 248].

This kind of tree is called "proper" by Goodrich & Tamassia page 231.

Sahni, page 461, and Carrano & Prichard, page 429, define full binary tree the way we define a perfect binary tree.

Author: PEB

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Entry modified 27 August 2014.
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Paul E. Black, "full binary tree", in Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures [online], Paul E. Black, ed. 27 August 2014. (accessed TODAY) Available from: